"We are not the platonic sort, Jane..."

jueves, 6 de enero de 2011

Jane Eyre: Part 2

Gradually, the friendship between Jane and Mr. Rochester grew; he stopped being so rude. She enjoyed his company, spending many evening hours talking with him and learning about the things he had seen in his travels, and she started to feel things that they are new for her; new feelings of love.
However, odd things begin to happen: a strange laugh was heard in the halls, a near-fatal fire mysteriously broke out in Rochester’s bedroom and a guest named Mason was attacked.
One day, Mrs. Fairfax was asked to prepared the house for a lot of guests because Rochester was going to prepare a party. When the guests arrived, some of them saw Jane like she was a servant and undervalued her job. Particularly the Ingram family, that hated governesses. Jane was jealous of Blanche Ingram because Jane wasn’t so pretty and Blanche was very beautiful, although she displayed callous behaviour and avaricious intent. 
Moreover, Rochester implied Jane that he would marry Ms. Ingram, and when the marriage took place, Adèle would go to a boarding school and she had to leave Thornfield Hall. From that moment, Jane tried to get Rochester out of her head.
-Was Jane falling in love of Mr.Rochester?
-Who do you think set fire to Mr Rochester´s bed?
-Is Miss Blanche Ingram a nice person?
-Will Jane be able to forget Mr.Rochester?

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